
오묘한 진리의 숲 2

Forest of Subtle Truth 2

Seoul Museum of Art, September 06 - November 18, 2018

Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, March 24 - June 15, 2019

오묘한 진리의 숲 2 : 서울미디어시티비엔날레, 2018

Forest of Subtle Truth 2 : Seoul Mediacity Biennale, 2018

<오묘한 진리의 숲 2>는 위치인식시스템(LPS)을 이용하여 장소 특정적 사운드를 헤드폰을 통해 관람객에게 전달한다. 관람객은 미술관 주변의 광장과 정원을 헤드폰을 쓰고 거닐며 공간에 조응하여 배치된 소리와 함께 휴식과 사색의 시간을 갖는다. 헤드폰에서는 녹음된 자연의 소리, 음악과 공연 실황, 디자인된 음향과 더불어 난민과 이주민들의 기억 속에 존재하는 고향의 노래와 이야기가 흘러나온다. 이렇게 각기 다른 기억과 삶의 이야기를 담은 사운드는 미술관 광장과 그 주변 곳곳에서 헤드폰을 통해 울려 퍼지고, 비워져 있는 공간이 많은 사람들의 이야기들로 채워질 수 있게 한다.

Forest of Subtle Truth 2 conveys site-specific sounds to the audience through headphones by using the LPS (Local Positioning System). Audiences wear the headphones and stroll around the outdoor area of the museum and the plaza. While interacting with the sounds arranged throughout the outdoor spaces, they can experience a moment of rest and meditation. At the same time, the audience can hear recorded sounds of nature, music, live concerts, and sound arrangements along with old songs and the stories of such different memories and lives resound in the museum plaza and surrounding areas, filling the empty spaces with the stories of many people.

_글 서울미디어시티비엔날레

오묘한 진리의 숲 2 : 오세이지 갤러리, 홍콩, 2019

Forest of Subtle Truth 2 : Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, 2019

The number of refugees fleeing from the civil war in Yemen and seeking shelter on Jeju Island, Korea through its visa-waiver program rapidly increased in the year 2018. They were staying on the island under refugee status determination, which has led to a huge national controversy. Recorded from Jeju Island and other cities in Korea, the recordings are composed of songs of Yemeni refugees together with sounds of nature that you may listen to with the custom-built LPS(Local Positioning System) headphones at the designated spots in the garden outside the gallery.

_Introduction from the artist

With Byung Jun Kwon’s (South Korea) sound installation Forest of Subtle Truth 2, the exhibition reaffirms its interest in the notions of time and space. Scattered across the width of the adjacent terrace, in eight stations at some distance from one another, are a number of plants and bonsai trees, as well as sculptures that, on close inspection, we realize are petrified wood from Madagascar that has been collected by Osage. By assembling together the found material – namely, bonsai trees, known as nature in miniature, plants and wooden sculptures – the artist turns the improvised garden into a haunting site-specific soundscape. Equipped with headsets, the viewers are invited to traverse the width of the garden to listen to songs of Yemeni refugees that the artist has compiled as part of his ongoing research. While tuning into these stories and voices, we are transported yet again to a time with no time, an everlasting present moment in which issues of exile and wartime displacement are regrettably a perpetual human experience.

_Article by Loredana Pazzini-Paracciani

미디어 연출: 권병준 / 텍스트·공간 설치: 함성호 / 공간 설치: 최장원 / 극작: 배해률, 이홍도 / 극작·작사: 장영 / 배우: 김미수, 박수범, 박지아, 윤상화, 이지혜, 최희진 / <반전된 캐노피> 설치: 성낙중, 성도경 / 기술 감독: 백주홍 / 기술 지원: 김가현 / 연출·사운드 보조: 신예림 / 녹음·편집: 김근채(펑크타이어 스튜디오) / 조명프레임: 이상용(나눔금속인테리어) / 그래픽디자인: 유윤석 / 영상제작: 김주영(스튜디오 밀리언로지즈), 이원주, 권호연(야타브) / 아르코·대학로 예술극장 - 극장장: 정순민, 극장 운영부장: 정영순, 홍보·마케팅: 정혜민 / 주최: 한국문화예술위원회